I calculated the orbital elements and physical parameters. We obtained the following orbital parameters:
eccentricity = 0.54637 +/- 0.00223, orbital inclination = 1.668 +/- 0.006 deg, semi-major axis = 1.46875 +/- 0.00505 A.U, longitude of the ascending node = 328.903 +/- 0.007 deg, argument of perihelion = 260.022 +/- 0.019 deg, perihelion distance = 0.666272 +/- 0.000976 A.U, aphelion distance = 2.271 +/- 0.011 A.U, mean motion = 0.55371 +/- 0.00286 deg/d.
Physical parameters: Absolute magnitude = 19.4, diameter = 560.1 meters (assuming 10% albedo), sidereal orbital period = 650.15 days, earth encounter velocity = 16.15 km/s. The parameters were calculated based on 92 observations (Feb. 12-15) with mean residual = 0.26 arcseconds.
Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank to the University of Narino-Pasto-Colombia, and to the students Esteban Botina and Daniela Tobar who collaborated in the capture of the photographs. Our data was published by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) and also appears at the web page of NEODyS [6].