

We have recently participated in the Project “INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL SEARCH COLABORATION-IASC” [1]


In the group “ALL COLOMBIA ASTEROID SEARCH CAMPAIGN” from April 8th to May 6th 2018.


We analyzed the photographies provided by IASC through Astrometrica software [2].


The images were captured by the observers N. Primak, A. Schultz, S. Watters, J. Thiel, T. Goggia,

employing the 1.8-m f/4.4 Ritchey-Chretien telescope at Pan-STARRS 1-Haleakala-Hawaii (Observatory code F51) [3].



We have obtained the finding of twelve asteroids which, for the time being, have the status of PRELIMINARY in the IASC.


We have calculated the orbital parameters for 7 asteroids and we’ve found of great interest the asteroids OUN0016 and OUN0025.


On April 8/2018 the asteroid OUN0016 was closer from the Earth’s orbit and we estimate it will remain so until roughly July 25/2018;


Then it will begin to move away. It won’t intercept at any point the Earth orbit; it has the lowest period which is very similar to the Earth’s, also it has the smallest diameter. 


The asteroid OUN0025 stays in the zone of the asteroid belt most of the time, but due to its greater eccentricity, it will intercept Mars orbit about March 2021, and it will move away from there about June the same year.




[1] http://iasc.hsutx.edu/index.html


[2] http://iasc.hsutx.edu/Astrometrica.html?


[3] http://newton.dm.unipi.it/neodys/index.php?pc=2.1.0&o=F51









The estimated parameters for the Asteroid OUN0016 are: eccentricity = 0.0298241, semi-major axis = 1.06548180 A.U, orbital inclination = 0.24475 deg, longitude of the ascending node = 167.32683 deg, argument of perihelion = 61.40650 deg, mean motion = 0.89615888 deg/d, perihelion distance = 1.03370473 A.U, aphelion distance = 1.09725887 A.U, absolute magnitude = 28.1, diameter = 10.2 meters, orbital period of 1.10 years.  


The asteroid OUN0016 was closer from the Earth’s orbit and we estimate it will remain so until roughly July 25/2018; then it will begin to move away. It won’t intercept at any point the Earth orbit; it has the lowest period which is very similar to the Earth’s, also it has the smallest diameter. 


The estimated parameters for the asteroid OUN0025 are: eccentricity = 0.278261, semi-major axis = 2.20000031 A.U, orbital inclination = 5.99999 deg, longitude of the ascending node =  59.19277 deg, argument of perihelion =  112.55702  deg, mean motion = 0.30204382 deg/d, perihelion distance = 1.58782591 A.U, aphelion distance =  2.81217472 A.U, absolute magnitude = 19.4, diameter = 557.1 meters,  orbital period of  3.26 years.






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