The estimated parameters for the Asteroid OUN0016 are: eccentricity = 0.0298241, semi-major axis = 1.06548180 A.U, orbital inclination = 0.24475 deg, longitude of the ascending node = 167.32683 deg, argument of perihelion = 61.40650 deg, mean motion = 0.89615888 deg/d, perihelion distance = 1.03370473 A.U, aphelion distance = 1.09725887 A.U, absolute magnitude = 28.1, diameter = 10.2 meters, orbital period of 1.10 years.
The asteroid OUN0016 was closer from the Earth’s orbit and we estimate it will remain so until roughly July 25/2018; then it will begin to move away. It won’t intercept at any point the Earth orbit; it has the lowest period which is very similar to the Earth’s, also it has the smallest diameter.
The estimated parameters for the asteroid OUN0025 are: eccentricity = 0.278261, semi-major axis = 2.20000031 A.U, orbital inclination = 5.99999 deg, longitude of the ascending node = 59.19277 deg, argument of perihelion = 112.55702 deg, mean motion = 0.30204382 deg/d, perihelion distance = 1.58782591 A.U, aphelion distance = 2.81217472 A.U, absolute magnitude = 19.4, diameter = 557.1 meters, orbital period of 3.26 years.