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Effects of Cooperative Language Learning Strategies on Written Production

Loza, Carmelita Y Pinchao, Diana (2012) Effects of Cooperative Language Learning Strategies on Written Production. Project Report. Universidad de Nariño, San Juan de Pasto.

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Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) is a current methodological trend that aims at paying special attention to individual differences, to develop critical thinking as same as collaborative and communication skills. In the last years, writing has been used as a mean of communication in social networks and through cell phones in an informal way, paying a minor attention to the use of punctuation marks. Even though, the use of punctuation marks has an essential role in the quality of written production, since this skill is also used to communicate ideas in an organized and formal way. Moreover, writing is one of the productive skills which might be seen as an individual task; therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of CLL strategies on students‟ written production using punctuation marks. The results showed that after applying CLL strategies, there was a noted increase in students‟ written production and there was a better quality in writing sentences using punctuation marks. Working cooperatively changed the dynamics within the classroom allowing students to put into practice their writing skills, giving relevance to the use of punctuation in a friendly atmosphere where writing was not necessarily an individual task.

Tipo de Elemento: Monografía (Project Report)
Información Adicional: Advisor: ANA CLARA SANCHEZ
Palabras Clave: Keywords: Cooperative Language Learning, strategies, punctuation marks, writtenproduction.
Asunto: P Lenguaje y Literatura > PE English
Division: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas > Programa de Licenciatura en Inglés y Francés > Trabajos de grado
Depósito de Usuario: Monitor COES 10
Fecha Deposito: 09 Dec 2016 20:01
Ultima Modificación: 11 Abr 2023 16:13

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