Correo Institucional

Detecting factors that interfere with the student’s english learning

Ortiz Cortes, Yubi Yolanda (2001) Detecting factors that interfere with the student’s english learning. Project Report. Universidad de Nariño, Pasto.

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The objective of this work is to identify some of the main factors that interfere with the learning of English at the eleventh grade at INEM high school in order to propose pedagogical suggestions to improve the level of the English learning. The collection of the information for this non-experimental research was carried out through oral interviews and surveys which were directed to give the students the opportunity to express spontaneously their own expectations and direct class observation which was directed to observe the real school environment where the English teaching learning process was being developed. After analyzing the results of this investigation, I can conclude that the students’ low motivation, the teachers’ traditional and mechanical methodology, their lack of creativity, the lack of instructional materials and resources and the bad relationships between teachers and students are some of the main factors that interfere with the students’ English learning. The learning process of a foreign language is asking for varied, creative, dynamic and interesting methods and approaches which must be adapted to meet the real needs of the students and, at the same time, give them the opportunity to embark on the foreign language by using good audiovisual materials and resources. These approaches must be developed in a pleasant environment which generates a positive attitude between the teachers and the students.

Tipo de Elemento: Monografía (Project Report)
Información Adicional: Asesor: Miguel Antonio Hernández
Palabras Clave: estudiantes, material audiovisual, lenguaje, ingles
Asunto: L Educación > L Educación (General)
P Lenguaje y Literatura > PE English
Division: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas > Programa de Licenciatura en Inglés y Francés > Trabajos de grado
Depósito de Usuario: Monitor Biblioteca 3 Quijano Guerrero
Fecha Deposito: 19 Jun 2024 15:31
Ultima Modificación: 19 Jun 2024 15:31

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