Correo Institucional

English teacher’s training and updating

Quiroz, Christian C. Y Rosero, Oscar A. (2007) English teacher’s training and updating. Project Report. Universidad de Nariño, Pasto.

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According to ICFES exam, the high-school students’ lowest results are presented in the specific foreign language subject. This fact impelled us to study a topic which not only has to do with the problematic presented, but also with our same professional field; the English teacher’s training and updating. This one has two main categories; the training and updating processes and the communicative competence concept which influence the English teaching through the in – class applying of a complex framework containing the teaching ideology and the linguistic competence of the teacher. In summary, we will try to research how training and updating processes and the communicative competence concept of teachers can influence the students’ English proficiency. We did not try to prove some hypothesis or make predictions through our investigation, but we just tried to contribute to improve the L2 teaching –learning process in the high schools of Pasto by developing a qualitative study allowing us to present clear results which don’t affect the research subjects’ image. Taking into account the final results of this project a recommendations chapter was included whose ideas we hope that can be useful for our society.

Tipo de Elemento: Monografía (Project Report)
Palabras Clave: ICFES exam, English teacher’s, teaching –learning, predictions through
Asunto: L Educación > L Educación (General)
P Lenguaje y Literatura > PE English
Division: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas > Programa de Licenciatura en Inglés y Francés > Trabajos de grado
Depósito de Usuario: Monitor Biblioteca 3 Quijano Guerrero
Fecha Deposito: 19 Jun 2024 15:28
Ultima Modificación: 19 Jun 2024 15:28

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